E-7 (Foreign National Of Special Activity) A person who plans to engage in a field designated by the Minister of Justice of ROK for the enhancement of national competitiveness by adopting foreign workers with professional knowledge/technology in accordance with a contract with a public or private institute in ROK - Eligibility criteria for application You are eligible to apply for this visa if y..

Did you got a message from YES24? - [Web발신] [YES24] 『비욘드 더 스토리 BEYOND THE STORY』‘바닥 무지개 유리컵’ 재발송 안내 해당 사은품의 재제작이 완료되어 다시 발송해 드리기 전 고객분들께 유의 사항과 참고 내용 안내를 위해 연락을 드립니다. 1. 유의사항 - 2회 이상 세척 및 장시간 가열 처리하였으며, 별도의 식약처 검사를 거친 제품으로 안심하고 사용하실 수 있습니다. - 뜨거운 물을 사용하실 경우 하단 무지개 컬러의 이염 현상이 있을 수 있습니다. 착색의 위험이 있으니 뜨거운 물 사용을 지양 부탁드립니다. - The reason of recall : (If you use hot water, there may rub off at the botto..

Do you wanna live in South Korea? Get the experience with a working holiday visa that lets you work and study in Korea. KR2me.com offers visa support programs for people from various countries who want to live in Korea. With a minimum of one year, you can earn money in Korea and study Korean at the same time. By country, the maximum length of stay under the agreement is as follows : Japan : H-1 ..

This is a short instruction about direct order on https://www.hwadong.com/ 메인 | 풍산화동양행 국내 유일의 화폐수집 전문 안내지 풍산화동뉴스 www.hwadong.com Before the purchase : Please sign up as a normal member to get your own Korean address and numbers here : https://www.kr2me.com Please copy your own address in Korean like this : 허준로 76 If you want to use buy and pay service, please check the this link first : https://..

Carry cash Cash can also come in handy when shopping at traditional markets as vendors are more open to negotiating prices with paper money. But you need to bring your credit card or debit card because some stores don't take cash. And most of buses in main cities don't take the cash so you need to have T-money card as below: Service Link : https://www.koreatourcard.kr/kr/ 코리아투어카드 외국인 전용 교통카드 기능 ..

Low crime rates It's no secret that South Korea has a low crime rate, and it's extremely rare to lose your belongings in cafes or public places, so you don't have to worry about your personal belongings being stolen. We're lucky to live in a place where we don't have to worry about theft, and it's a huge benefit to not have to worry about being shot or mugged when you're out late at night. Advan..

You can be a online seller on Coupang, N-shopping - You can become a seller with no inventory. After registering as an online seller, you can sell to Koreans as long as you have a domestic address. You can do this by changing your address when you order on behalf of your customer or using a domestic forwarding company for fulfillment. Fulfillment by KR2me.com - KR2me.com(www.kr2me.com) offers fi..

A commemorative stamp depicting the past 10 years of the "21st century pop icon" BTS will be released next month on March 13. - Free order starts on 22. May. 2023 - 2 types are available : 10 stamps set and packet set - Limited qty for foreginers : order starts on 1. Jun. 2023 : Official link to buy - https://service.epost.go.kr The stamps will be issued in 10 varieties with a total of 1.5 milli..

Most Korean online shopping channels offer escrow services as standard, and the level of fraud prevention programs is very high, so it's hard to get scammed on online stores like Coupang and Gmarket. However, it is true that you need to be very careful when purchasing goods through C2C such as bunjang, second hand stores, and social media transactions. Dozens of fraudulent transactions are regis..

이트래블 eTravel 필리핀 입국하는 모든사람 - 영유아 포함(여권이 있는 모든 사람들) -들이 반드시 작성해야하는 온라인 서식으로 사전에 작성해두었다가 캡처한 화면으로 입국시 활용할 수 있습니다. 대표자 1인이 모든 인원 작성가능! 잠깐! 이트래블(eTravel) 등록 전 확인해주세요! 이트래블은 출발 시간(항공기 탑승 시간) 기준으로 72시간 이내부터 등록하실 수 있습니다. 등록 시간이 아닐 때 작성한 경우 사용이 불가합니다. 이트래블은 나이, 성별, 백신접종여부, 국적 등과 무관하게 누구나 작성해야 합니다. 이트래블은 등록이 무료입니다. 등록 시 결제를 요구하는 가짜 사이트를 조심해주세요. 이트래블은 PC 또는 핸드폰을 이용하여 등록하실 수 있습니다. (앱 다운로드 불필요) 이트래블은 휴대전화 본..
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